Install LXD from snap

sudo snap install lxd

Initialize or start the LXD container hypervisor, run the command

sudo lxd init

Confirm the information provided by running the command

sudo lxc profile show default

Show Storage List

sudo lxc storage list

Show details of storage

sudo lxc storage show <storage name> sudo lxc storage show storage1

Show network list

lxc network ls

Show Network Details

sudo lxc network show <network name> EG: sudo lxc network show lxdbr0

You can list all the prebuilt containers that are available for download using the command

sudo lxc image list images: sudo lxc image list images: | grep -i alpine

Start lxc container

lxc launch image:alpine/3.20 a1

lxc container console access

lxc exec <container name> <shell> EG: lxc exec a1 sh

Stop lxc container

lxc stop <container name> EG: lxc stop a1

Destroy lxc container

lxc delete <container name> EG: lxc delete a1

Further details